Working from a modern palette of seven top quality acrylic colours plus white, this workshop will help you to explore the uniqueness of pigments and their mixtures. Its focus will be on what happens in the practice of paint mixing, rather than on a theoretical understanding of colour in general. The day will take you through numerous paint mixing exercises which will show you how to create, with a fairly small selection of paints, the widest possible range of unique colours. This will include making the brightest and cleanest of mixes as well as mixing traditional colours to create more muted earth and flesh tones. You will discover the nuances of pure pigments compared to mixed colours, learn about colour families and about the difference between organic (modern) and inorganic (mineral) pigments. You will also be introduced to virtual colour mixing, an additional tool to the GOLDEN Artist Colors mixing guide and poster which you will receive during the workshop.
At the end of the day you will take home:
- A wide range of painted colour samples and wheels from which you can develop or expand your personal colour paletteA Color Mixing – Modern Theory guide from GOLDEN Artist Colors
- A Tint and Glaze wall poster from GOLDEN Artist Colors
- A handout pack
You will also:
- Understand the language of colour
- Have some understanding of colour theory and its relevance to painters
- Know how to mix the widest range of colours from a relatively small palette
- Have explored the nuances of pigments and their family groupings
- Have learned how to lighten and darken colours (tints, glazes, tones and shades)
- Have a good knowledge of blacks and whites and their colour mixing consequences
- Have learnt how to extend your paints and increase their open (working) time
- Know how to use a virtual colour mixer
- Be better able to make informed choices from the paint shelves in art stores